Tom Maes Liberal Arts Building
Our team provided the Architectural and Engineering Design for the renovation of 44 offices and adjacent corridors located on the second floor of the Thomas Maes Liberal Arts Building. We provided professional A/E services in conjunction with the renovation for ADA compliance of the facility, including toilets, signage, door hardware and similar elements. Construction documents were produced in accordance with Texas State University System and Lamar University standards.
Edwin Hayes Biology Building
Our team provided the design for the renovation of 16 offices and adjacent corridors located on the first and second floors of the Edwin Hayes Biology Building. Our team provided complete Architectural/ Engineering Services in conjunction with the proposed renovation. Scope of work included the selective demolition and reconstruction of certain faculty offices on the second floor, hallways and darkroom. Construction documents were produced in accordance with Texas State University System and Lamar University standards.
Lamar University
Architectural Design, MEP Engineering Design
851,000 SF
Features based on events and occasions.