Montgomery County has requested professional services to develop a new forensic lab facility on a green-field site. Phase I will include the design of a 70,000 square foot, single story building with a 27-space parking lot. The building will include a sally port, entry lobby, offices, and autopsy and morgue spaces. Phase II will consist of the construction of a 70,000 square foot building.
For Phase I, we are providing design services for the MEP infrastructure of both phases in this project. The scope will include a mechanical yard with air cooled chillers and generators with the capacity to serve both buildings. The mechanical scheme will include chilled and hot water services along with air handling units and terminal units to provide cooling and heating in the building. The domestic water, domestic hot water and fire water systems are included in the design along with sanitary and storm drainage systems. Natural gas and electrical service to the building is also included, along with an emergency power generation system.
Part of our scope for this project will include infrastructure design for the 70,000 square foot building in Phase II to allow the appropriate capacity for the building’s HVAC and electrical service. MEP Engineering Design for the building will be completed in the design during Phase II.
Montgomery County
MEP Engineering Design
70,000 SF

Features based on events and occasions.